Why did we formulate the MTG Online Olympiad Classes?
After publishing so many books for Olympiad preparations, the experts at MTG have identified that along with quality education content, students also need proper guidance. So, to streamline their Olympiad preparation along with school studies, MTG has launched Online Olympiad classes in 2021. And after an amazing response to the earlier session, MTG brings the Online Olympiad Classes for sessions 2022-2023.
How do the IMO| NSO| Logical Reasoning
Online Olympiad Classes help the students?
▶ Is specially designed to help the students enhance their learning for IMO, NSO, and Logical Reasoning. ▶ Inculcates Concept clarity ▶ Ideates students with alternave smart methods of solving quesons to manage time. ▶ Assists students with excellent teachers. ▶ Is bifurcated into small batches ▶ Comprises doubt-clearance sessions ▶ Is accompanied by weekly tests ▶ Students can see their reports.