These online mock tests will give the most updated practice by helping the students test their preparation for the best results. The test duration and number of questions will be the same as SOF exams to practice time management for the exam. These Mock tests will help you get familiarized with the actual exam and will provide a better perspective of what kind of questions will appear in the exam. The SOF Olympiad aspirants can attempt, practice, and progress via these mock tests for exam-like and hands-on practice.
- Based on SOF exam pattern – 2024.
- Test duration same as SOF exams.
- Number of questions same as SOF exams.
- Syllabus and difficulty level match the SOF exams.
- A set of 3 mock tests – 500/- per set.
- Attempt anytime & anywhere.
Benefits of These IMO Online Mock tests –
- Familiarity with the main exam paper.
- Understand the exam pattern.
- Know your strength and weakness.
- Boosts confidence.
- Strengthen concepts.
- Improves time management.
- More Practice = More Score.