
WB JEE Chapterwise Explorer Physics and Chemistry-Engineering

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MTG’s WB JEE Chapterwise Explorer is an essential study resource for aspiring engineers to excel in the WB JEE exam. This book covers the chapter-wise theory of the latest syllabus of the West Bengal JEE 2025 exam. It consists of category-wise previous 5 years (2020-2024) questions and Exercises to give you an insight into the type of questions being asked and give you ample practice. The 3 Model Test Papers with detailed solutions provides exam-like practice to ensure you are well-prepared.

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MTG’s WB JEE Chapterwise Explorer is designed for engineering aspirants to efficiently ace the West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam. Prepare with confidence as this book covers all the things you need to ensure a wholesome preparation. Arranged in a sequential format, this book makes it easy for you to learn and practice effectively.

Salient Features:

  • Chapter wise Theory as per the latest WB JEE syllabus to ensure comprehensive coverage.
  • Thoroughly based on the latest Class XI-XII curriculum for structured learning.
  • Category wise Previous 5 years (2020-2024) Questions to familiarize you with the exam pattern.
  • Category wise Exercise as per the latest exam pattern to give you extensive practice.
  • 3 Model Test Papers for exposure to the exam-like practice.
  • Answer Keys along with detailed solutions for self-assessment.
Table of  Content:- PHYSICS
  1.  Physical World, Measurements, Units and Dimensions
  2.  Kinematics
  3.  Laws of Motion
  4.  Work, Power, Energy
  5.  Motion of Centre of Mass, Connected Systems, Friction
  6.  Gravitation
  7.  Bulk Properties of Matter
  8.  Heat and Thermal Physics
  9.  Thermodynamics
  10.  Kinetic Theory of Gases
  11.  Oscillations and Waves
  12.  Electrostatics
  13.  Current Electricity
  14.  Magnetic Effect of Current
  15.  Magnetics
  16.  Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
  17.  Electromagnetic Waves
  18.  Ray Optics
  19.  Wave Optics
  20.  Particle Nature of Light and Wave Particle Dualism
  21.  Atomic Physics
  22.  Nuclear Physics
  23.  Solid State Electronics
  1. Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic
  2. Atomic Structure
  3. Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry
  4. The Periodic Table and Chemical Families
  5. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
  6. Coordination Compounds
  7. States of Matter (Solids, Liquids and Gases)
  8. Chemical Energetics
  9. Chemical Equilibria
  10.  Chemical Dynamics
  11.  Physical Chemistry of Solutions
  12.  Ionic Equilibria
  13.  Redox Equilibria
  14.  Hydrogen
  15.  Chemistry of Non-Metallic Elements and their Compounds
  16.  Chemistry of Metals
  17.  Chemistry in Industry
  18.  Polymers
  19. Surface Chemistry
  20.  Environmental Chemistry
  21.  Chemistry of Carbon Compounds
  22.  Aliphatic Compounds
  23.  Haloalkanes
  24.  Alcohols and Ethers
  25.  Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
  26.  Aliphatic Amines
  27.  Aromatic Compounds
  28.  Application Oriented Chemistry
  29. Introduction to Biomolecules
  30.  Principles of Qualitative Analysis
  32. Model Test Paper 1
  33. Model Test Paper 2
  34. Model Test Paper 3
ISBN13 9789360231262
Author MTG Editorial Board
Edition 2024-25
Pages 784
Exams Regional Ent. Exams-Engg
Subjects Chemistry, Physics
Weight 1139gm


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