Class 3-Integrated Environmental Studies with NEP Guidelines


  • Paper Book

New Integrated Environmental Studies is a book based on the most recent New Education Policy 2020 (NEP) guidelines. The book follows the most recent NCERT syllabus. It contains age-appropriate and student-friendly content. The book includes an integrated digital learning resource to help students learn in a more interactive manner. Best book for understanding environmental studies with real-life scenarios.

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New Integrated Environmental Studies is a book based on the most recent NCERT syllabus and the New Education Policy 2020 guidelines. The book contains a wealth of knowledge written in a student-friendly language. It also includes Info Bits, Amazing Facts, Words of Wisdom, and an Interactive Character Kiara to help with an interactive learning method. The upgraded version of the book also includes an integrated digital learning resource to help students learn online. The Book comprises the following features-

  • Age appropriate, student friendly, content accompanied with attractive illustrations.
  • Words of Wisdom to enhance moral values and make learners aware of their culture.
  • Interactive Approach in the form of Kiara asks and Activity time to help retain concepts.
  • Info bits and Amazing Facts to let user engross in the chapter.
  • Fun time and Project Time to help all three (auditory, visual and kinaesthetic) learners.
  • Think Tank and HOTS questions to let learners think outside the box.
  • Life Skills to develop ethical value in young learners.
  • Recap time to reinforce the concepts learnt in the chapter.

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