In today’s era where everything is rapidly transforming into digital platform, internet has revolutionized the way of education. For a long time now, exams such as JEE (A), BITSET, JIPMER, PO, CAT, MAT have been conducted online on a large scale. Large number of students from all over India have been appearing for such exams every year. It is an entirely different experience as compared to a pen and paper based test or offline exam.
The online exams offer multiple advantages to both the organizers of the exam and as well as the ones appearing for it. An online exam reduces the time, use of paper and efforts in conducting an examination and provides security of data, logistical ease. Online exam is becoming more popular as a method of evaluating student performance, but this form of testing has its pros and cons.
Pros of Online Examination
- It provides freedom to change a marked answer at any point of time.
- It saves time, money and paper.
- Less time wasted on marking answer.
The application fee in online mode is lower than paper and pen mode.
It allows the candidates to choose their date and timing of the exam according to the slot available as per the convenience.
Cons of Online Examination
- Technical glitches can occur anywhere especially in smaller town where lesser technical experts are found.
- No question paper provided to students for further reference.
- Every candidate might not be familiar with the online pattern.
- Tough to eliminate the cheater while online examination.
Before appearing for any kind of online exams, it is necessary to have a know-how about the exam. So here are few tips that you should remember while appearing for online exams.
Get Acquainted with Computer
If you have never given an online exam earlier, then remember that there is nothing to worry. It is very important for you to spend some of your precious time on a computer daily basis. This will help you to get perfect hold of the mouse and clicking at the right place, in the right way. As a result, you would not be wasting your time in wandering the cursor here and there to get the right intended place on the screen. This indeed in itself is a time-consuming process.
Take Online Test Series
Take as many test series as you can before the online exam. It is recommended that you should take MTG’s online test series for JEE / NEET, Online banking exam SBI/IBPS – PO, Olympiad online test. It will give you a realistic environment of giving the actual exam. Also, you will learn to manage your time so that you finish your exam well in time. The more you practice, the easier it would be for you to understand the whole online examination system and take the exam accordingly. Besides, it will offer you great practice for the exam.
Check Your Computer
Before you begin with the exam, ensure that the assigned computer is working fine to avoid the last moment problems. Also, make sure that you’ll be in a location with an adequate Internet location. If you come across any issue, it is advisable that report the issue immediately to the invigilator or concerned authority available in the room at that moment.
Read the Instructions Carefully
Don’t be in a hurry to get started with online examination. You must always dedicate few minutes to read the instructions rigorously as it will tell you how to go about the exam in the best possible way. Also, this little concentration will be of great help in understanding how many times you can re-attempt a question or whether you can answer the questions regardless of their sequence. All such queries can be easily handled if you are thorough with the instructions.
Manage your Time Wisely
Time management is indeed the most vital element for success in examination. In the online exam, there will not be any examiner screaming over your head about the left time. Add to the woe, the timer out at the top right or left corner will make you panic every moment, but all this can be avoided if you set a time limit for each question. By doing so, you will not have the pressure of running short of time. Instead you can easily do everything well in time and even save some time for revision. It takes just a bit of planning beforehand, but it helps you in great manner.
Save your Answer
You must remember to save your answer after attempting and marking the correct option. In certain circumstances, it may be possible that computer might not save the answer automatically and the question might remain unanswered. Therefore, do click on “SUBMIT” button after marking the correct option.
Don’t panic in case of technical problem.
Be confident, technical glitches can happen to anyone, anytime, no matter how important your work may be. So, you should always be calmer and rather than panicking, go and seek help about what went wrong. Because your panicking will not result any solution but your right action will.
All the Best!