101 Essays Book for Class 9 to 12


  • Paper Book

MTG’s 101 Essay booklet is a comprehensive book for children of classes 9-12 to engage in reading and writing. Reading helps children learn effectively and MTG’s 101 Essays supplements a variety of topics that teach children morals, ethics, basic skills, and discipline to aid their learning. The simple, age-appropriate language helps in understanding the topic efficiently and generates new innovative ideas about it.

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Building a reading habit early on in children is very effective for learning. To promote reading in children, MTG has come up with the 101 Essay booklet, which is a comprehensive book for children in classes 9-12 to engage in reading and writing. MTG’s 101 Essays are supplemented with a wide variety of topics helpful in preparing writing composition, vocabulary enrichment, and language development. The book can help students get acquainted with the correct way of undertaking writing tasks with ease. It can help the board students enhance their writing skills to score more in English language exam.

Some notable features are-

  • It covers every type of essay to teach morals, ethics, basic skills, and discipline to the children.
  • The essays consist wide range of topics such as on family and friends, physical health and societal issues like child labour, women empowerment, and cleanliness.
  • The variety of topics will help children preparing writing composition, vocabulary enrichment, and language development.
  • The language in the essays is age-appropriate and understandable to grasp the context.
ISBN13 9789360234652
Author MTG Editorial Board
Edition 2024-25
Pages 320
Classes Class 9, Class 10, Class 11, Class 12
Exams School Books
Subjects English
Weight 270gm