NTSE Explorer


NTSE Explorer assists students in mastering the NTSE curriculum and gaining a competitive edge in the exam. Concise theory with key concepts and fundamentals is the focus of the book. The book is richly illustrated with tables and flow charts. In the book, chapter-by-chapter MCQs and application-oriented numerical related to MAT & SAT are covered with detailed solutions. Solved NTSE 2020-2021 (Stage I and II) questions papers are added to give familiarity of exam pattern.

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The NTSE Explorer book is designed to help students master the NTSE curriculum and gain a competitive advantage in the examination. It is an effort to provide comprehensive coverage of both the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the Mental Ability Test (MAT) to benefit the higher preparation standard required of Class 10th students. This book serves the most recent NTSE pattern and syllabus along with Solved NTSE 2020-2021 (Stage I and II) questions papers. NTSE Explorer is an exhaustive question bank for students, covering a vast question pool of 7000+ MCQs of MAT (Verbal/ Non- verbal) and SAT (Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology/ Mathematics/ Social Studies).
Salient Features of the book:
• Concise theory with emphasis on key concepts and fundamentals.
• Immense collection of stimulating Mental Ability questions (MAT) to sharpen mind.
• Updated Scholastic Ability Tests (SAT) curriculum including MCQs on Economics.
• Detailed explanation and solution of unique questions.
• Easy to understand tables and flow charts.
• Application oriented numerical.

Table of Content: Solved Paper 2020-21 (Stage I) Solved Paper 2020-21 (Stage II) PART I : Mental ability Test (MAT) Verbal Test 1. Classification 2. Problems on Time & Speed, Trains, Boats and Streams 3. Syllogism 4. Tests (Number Test, Ranking Test and Time Sequence Test) 5. Alphabet Test 6. Puzzle Test 7. Series Completion Test 8. Direction Sense 9. Logical Venn Diagram Test 10. Arithmetical Reasoning Test 11. Mathematical Operations 12. Clocks and Calendars 13. Blood Relations 14. Inserting The Missing Character 15. Logical Sequence of Words 16. Analytical Reasoning 17. Analogy 18. Coding-Decoding Non-Verbal Test 1. Classification 2. Series 3. Problems on Cubes and Dice 4. Water Images 5. Mirror Images 6. Folding Paper Cutting 7. Transparent Paper Folding 8. Analogy 9. Analytical Reasoning 10. Embedded Figures 11. Incomplete Figures 12. Dot Fixing Situation 13. Formation of Figure Analysis PART II : SCHOLASTIC Aptitude Test (SAT) Physics 1. Motion 2. Gravitation 3. Force and Pressure 4. Work and Energy 5. Specific Heat and Heating Effects of Electric Current 6. Magnetism and Magnetic Effects of Electric Current 7. Electricity and Chemical Effects of Electric Current 8. Wave Motion and Sound 9. Reflection and Refraction of Light 10. Universe Chemistry 1. Matter 2. Periodic Table, Chemical Bonding and Reactions 3. Fuels, Combustion and Flame 4. Carbon and Its Compounds 5. Acids, Bases and Salts 6. Man-Made Materials 7. Metals and Non-Metals 8. Pollution and Waste Water Management Biology 1. Cells and Tissues 2. Diversity in Living Organisms 3. Soil, Crop Production and Management 4. Human Health and Diseases 5. Nutrition and Digestion 6. Respiration and Transport 7. Excretion and Locomotion 8. Control and Coordination 9. Reproduction 10. Heredity and Evolution History 1. Ancient India 2. Medieval India 3. Modern India 4. World History Civics 1. Indian Constitution and Democracy 2. Government at the Centre and the State 3. Indian Judiciary 4. Planning Commission and Panchayati Raj Geography 1. General Geography 2. Indian Geography 3. World Geography Economics 1. Indian Economy Mathematics 1. Number System 2. Algebra 3. Commercial Mathematics 4. Problems on Ratio, Proportion, Time & Work, Pipes & Cisterns... 5. Geometry 6. Coordinate Geometry 7. Trigonometry 8. Mensuration 9. Permutations & Combinations, Statistics and Probability
ISBN13 9789355551320
Author Er. Sonia Lal
Edition 2022-23
Pages 868
Classes Class 10
Exams NTSE
Weight 1368gm


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