
IEO Class-3 Olympiad 10 Previous Years Papers (2023-2019 Set A and B) English with Sample OMR Sheet For 2024-25 Exam


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MTG’s “English Olympiad Previous Years’ Papers”, is the perfect resource for young aspirants aiming to excel in the SOF International English Olympiad (IEO). With a selection of 10 previous years’ papers, 2 model test papers, and detailed answers, this guide provides invaluable practice and insight into the IEO exam pattern.


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MTG’s English Olympiad Previous Years’ Papers book is a practice book for students preparing for SOF IEO 2024-25. Carefully curated by English experts, it helps students analyze their grammatical skills and improve their preparation. It will boost confidence, identify areas of improvement, and familiarize students with the exam pattern and required knowledge for the SOF IEO exam. Offering a multitude of benefits, this book is an essential tool for students preparing for the 2024-25 IEO exam.

  • 10 SOF IEO papers from the previous 5 years (Set A & B).
  • 2 Model test papers for rigorous practice and self-assessment.
  • OMR sheets are given after each practice paper for exam-like practice.
  • Chapter-wise analysis of all papers to strengthen core concepts.
  • Answer keys with hints and explanations are given for all questions.

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