Weekend Batch – Online Classes for Maths
This classroom course is specially designed for the students who are aspiring to appear in International Mathematics Olympiads. The course is designed so that the complete course can be covered in the shortest span of time. Features of the course –
* Small Batch of 25 students.
* This is an instructor-led online course
* There will be 1-hour concept class to explain the topic
* Doubt clearance session in each class
* A review assessment in each class to know you understand well
* Test on Thursday to assess your progress
* The subscription to IMO club absolutely FREE
Class Timings: 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Class day : Saturday and Sunday
These classes will be taken up by the MTG experts who understand the pulse of the Olympiad exams. These experts are members of the advisory board of all Olympiads Resources like Olympiad Prep Guides, Workbook, OSDS Published by MTG.