Treasure An Integrated Semester Series -Semester -2 Class 2


MTG’s Treasure is an integrated semester series, which primarily consists of five core subjects namely English, Science, Mathematics, Computers, and General Knowledge The content of the book is based on the guidelines laid down by NCF-2005. Concepts are well-explained through age appropriate test, attractive illustrations, flow charts and tables. Practice exercises are included to enhance learning and reasoning skills of the learner. Value based questions and life skill questions are provided to inculcate values and life related skills.

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MTG’s Treasure is an integrated semester series for Class 1 to 5. The objective of this series is to equip students with sound knowledge of English, Mathematics, Science and Computers collectively with proper illustrations, activities, table and flow charts. It reduces the bulk of school bags and allows the students to enjoy their learning without feeling any burden.

The series comprises of 10 books – two semester books per class. It complies with the guideline of National Curriculum Framework (NCF). Value based questions and life skill questions are included in the series to enhance the values, problem-solving and life related skills among the students.

The key features of the series include the following:

  • The series is designed with keeping in mind the age group of the students, so that they can learn at their own pace.
  • Classified assessment exercise for thorough revision and evaluation.
  • It contains variety of exercises for revision and practice
  • HOTS questions are included to enhance learning and reasoning skills of the learner.
  • Well planned hands on activities, assignments, projects and experiments are provided with the idea that education is not just learning of facts but the training of mind to think.